Resources and Recent Work

Check out some of our planning resources for your San Diego event or photoshoot, learn more about our photography and view recent work

Event Photographer: Why you Need to Hire one

Event Photography

When it comes to planning and organizing an event for your company, one of the key aspects is professional event photography. It is important to hire the right event photographer. You may be planning a large event like a conference, meeting, corporate event, or convention. Or maybe you are planning a smaller event such as […]

An elaborate setup with light beams for a company reception

Event Photography in the Era of Remote Work

Event Photography

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, remote work has become the norm for many companies. We all know the benefits of remote work, the flexibility and freedom to work from anywhere, but have you ever stopped to think about the challenges it brings? The lack of face-to-face interaction, the feeling of isolation, and the difficulty […]

Event Photography of Employees mingling silhouetted against a screen that reads "care like family" in the background